Monday, November 20, 2006

And Now... A Word From Our Overlord

Dear friends, foes, faithful readers, and David Alan Grier:

As you probably noticed at some point during the glaring slimness of content last week, the productivity of my trusty editors has once again been brought to a screeching halt by their post-collegiate, pre-professional twenty-something stupidly busy lives. Thus, Croftie and Oline are taking an Official Fall Break-O-Rama: to regain their wits, sharpen their pens, and do other menial brainy things. After preparing a Thanksgiving dinner for me and my hot wife and our cute kid, my trusty editors will be back with a revengacized vengance.

In the meantime, entertain yourselves with some old school stuff. Remember the Gross Words? Howsabout the Bombshell's Guide to Bombshellism and The Germanatrix' response to A Minor Threat? Or Croftie's awesome Christopher Castle and Toe-Sock's equally awesome defense of Zombies? What about Oline's tribute to wedding wackiness and the Jock's homage to wacky sportsy fashion?

People, there are gems in the JBB trove, so don't miss out!


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