Thursday, March 23, 2006

An Abolition Movement

Gross Words (GW!) Be Gone!

Words are wondrous. They inspire love and hatred, misery and rapture, and other soaring emotions of that ilk (GW!). They make you laugh, they make you cry, and they sometimes make you croodle (GW!).

Loamy, foamy, finger, jiggle, pick, bunion!

The English language is full of vulgar, onomatopoetic, or just plain nasty linguistic forms that inspire disgust in many an English-head's aching breast (GW!). These gentle souls, more susceptible than most to aural (GW!) offense, are often cruelly mocked by those who exploit such grotesqueries for their own amusement.

To boost (GW!) public awareness, your humble editors boldly post the 100 grossest words. We do so in the hope that others will join us in celebrating the foulest, most horrible, cringe-worthy tidbits (GW!) the English language has to offer. Perhaps the revelation of these abominations will discourage their usage in every-day life and, at long last, liberate us from this vile plague.

Presenting . . .

JBB's 100 GW!

moist, womb, loins, smear, morsel, absorb, wad, supple, chunk, spittle, spray, splatter, smut, panties, jamboree, chaw, tween, meats, runny, PJs, swat, spigot, peter, thigh, prance, swaddling, keepsake, cuddle, doodad, journaling, cherish, treasure, tingle, spread, stringy, chow down, jam, jelly, junk, loamy, foamy, finger, palm, thumb, swipe, staff, bliss, pop, pipsqueak, nugget, cloths, slather, lather, bogus, spew, spunk, spelunking, jiggle, pick, bunion, juicy, chub, spooning, saucepan, spatula, slink, galore, pork, loom, spindle, glitz, chintz, chiffon, canker, shimmy, pudge, plump, bump, pregnant, kink, fandango, dollop, crab, bulb, penetrate, polyp, crevice, tubular, tinkle, headway, sneaks, cluster, crank, strum, flak, swindle, slather, blouse, fondle, purple

To keep your humble editors from seeming absolute freaks, we beg: please do share the words that have unduly (GW!) tortured you!


Blogger Les Savy Ferd said...

what abooooouuuut.... bloviate? Reticulum? burgeoning? Corpulent? Bungle? Varicose? throb? secretion? and I'm spent.

Saturday, March 25, 2006 1:00:00 AM  
Blogger Les Savy Ferd said...

speaking of the 'C' word, I'm reading a post-apocalyptic comicbook series called _Y the Last Man_ where every man on earth save a dude named Yorick dies from a mysterious plague. The world regroups and oddly enough doesn't change all that much, you have your conservatives and progressives and women who take advantage of society's crippled state.

Anyway a group called the Daughters of Amazon forms and is radically anti-male and try to hunt down Yorick and 'purify' the world of masculinity. In an encounter with other less radical women, the Daughters of Amazon are denigrated by being called cunts. The D of A respond by this interesting rebuttal.

The 'C' word is actually a corruption of the Roamn Goddess Cunina whose roll was to protect infants as they slept. It then evolved into other words like cunning, etc., almost all of them positive.

The D of A then finish their argument by saying it was Man's last act of thievery to steal such a beautiful word, turn it into its opposite, and use it against women as a weapon.

and I'm out.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006 6:41:00 PM  
Blogger Bombsy said...


Friday, May 05, 2006 5:37:00 PM  

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