Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Fashion Forward

Tips From The Fashionista
Commandment #2:
Baby, It’s Cold Outside

New York is in the midst of its first cold snap of the season, and it’s gotten me to thinking: why is it so difficult to look good and stay warm?

In my family we have one coat that’s known by several different names. My mother calls it “impermeable,” because the coat is actually impervious to the elements. It’s the New England dream coat. Once you put the thing on, you could be standing in the middle of a maelstrom without knowing it.

One would imagine this to be the ideal coat. But, unfortunately, it is not a thing of beauty. If you’re wearing this coat in the middle of a blizzard and walking down the street, do-gooders will ask you into their homes for a warm bowl of stew. My brothers call it the “homeless guy” coat. We wear it to shovel the driveway.

As an inhabitant of a city that receives more than its fair share of inclement weather, I have a very un-fashionista yearning for a fashion cycle when L.L. Bean duck boots and parkas are in vogue. However, assuming that day will never come, here are some tips, tricks, and fabulous finds to get you through the impending winter.

The sexiest trend for women is the long leather glove. Naughty or elegant? Who knows. The long glove can be Grace Kelly or Betty Page. The best versions come to the elbow and they don’t have to be basic black.

If you’re more practical, H&M has fleece gloves for $3.90. That’s less than any drink from Starbucks, and can keep you warmer. In three colors—crimson, black, and winter white. There are hats and scarves to match for no more than $5.90. I would recommend buying several pairs of plain black gloves; you can wear them with just about anything and you’ll be much happier all winter if your hands aren’t cold.

This season, the fashion world has endorsed layers of all shapes and sizes: leggings, chunky sweaters, and even armwarmers. Avail yourself of this opportunity to be trendy and cozy at the same time.

Boots are hot for men and women, which means your feet don’t have to be cold. I know, I know, you don’t want to go teetering around on icy sidewalks in three-inch stilettos. Good news—you don’t have to! The in boots are flats. Suddenly those classic J. Crew riding boots are tres chic.

Both men and women are also wearing another cuddly cold-weather accessory: the scarf. For men, the look is preppy and collegiate, very J. Press or Andover Shop. Women, however, have more flexibility. The ubiquitous pashmina is hitting the sidewalks in two-tone woven patterns, little fur wrappers are in all the department stores, and, of course, there’s always the standard long, stripy cashmere. The scarf is the easiest accessory to tailor to your own personalized style.

My favorite trend is definitely the wool coat. Post-college, it’s time to invest in outerwear that you wouldn’t wear with a pair of Rossignols, and a wool coat is understated yet stylish. The pea coat has emerged as the must-have of the season, but more universally-flattering and certainly more useful for various occasions is the three-quarter length coat.

Even with the best of intentions, gloves to your elbows, snuggled and en-scarved, appropriately booted, you may still find yourself digging through your closet for your Waldo-style fleece hat as the last line of defense against the bitter cold. Console yourself by looking around: when it’s winter in the city, everyone looks a little ridiculous. And if you see a homeless-looking girl trudging along Fifty-first Street, it may well be me in my “special” coat.



Blogger oline said...

when i first moved to chicago, my mum panicked and thought i would freeze to death in an instant so she bought me a royal blue, floor-length puffy coat. i don't know what this was intended for. couldn't have been skiing since it completely impaired all movement. i wore it once. to the grocery store. but i stopped after a block and a half and went home to change.

Friday, November 03, 2006 2:28:00 PM  
Blogger nick said...

as for me... i've always loved the word impermeable for being correct in both spanish & french!

Sunday, November 05, 2006 8:32:00 PM  
Blogger oline said...

meanwhile, down in tennessee, partner and oline were powering through the decade of the hair from hell wearing XXXL t-shirts and tapered leg, pleated front jeans. how fortunate that we met later in life, when fashion couldn't come between us!

Thursday, November 09, 2006 4:16:00 PM  

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