Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Fashion Forward

Tips From The Fashionista
Commandment #1: Cut Your Hair

Hair changes, people. None of us wants to be that lady buying flaxseed at the supermarket with a long scraggly mane of gray hair. When it comes to hair, don't fear the reaper.

That being said, hairstyles are even more difficult to buy off the rack than jeans. Undoubtedly, magazines pronounce that short is the new long, or black is the new blonde, but it doesn't always translate. Don't take a photo of Natalie Portman into SuperCuts and expect to emerge looking like her- you may end up resembling Lamb Chop (the puppet) and still be out $15.95. Some tips:
*If you know someone who always has great hair, ask her where she gets it done. Go there. Be sure to mention the recommendation to the stylist.

*Always always always consult the stylist. He knows more than you do.

*Just once, go in with a completely open mind and tell the stylist to surprise you and do whatever he wants. It's fun and you will probably look much better.

*If you do have an idea of what you want, bring a picture. Your concept of Ashley Judd may be current; his may be circa-A Time To Kill.

*Know your limitations. Be honest about how much time you can devote every morning to styling your new 'do. Make it clear at the beginning if you can't spend 15 minutes flat-ironing every day.

*Be prepared to pay. If a quality haircut is a financial hardship, ask for a style that will grow out gracefully, and will allow you to get your hair cut less frequently.

*Tip generously. I believe in hair karma. If you can't tip as generously as you'd like, be uber-grateful and bring baked goods for the salon.

*If you're anxious, sometimes it helps to bring a friend. She can provide comic relief, make small-talk while you're trying to keep still, and remind you how you resolved to go for more than just a trim.

*Have a man cut your hair. Call me crazy, but they know what makes a woman look good. Likewise, guys, try a female stylist.

*Remember, hair cutting requires specialized education and licensing. Hair stylists are professionals- trust them.

But what if you follow all the rules and your hair looks awful at the end? Say something. You've paid good money for this haircut, and the stylist wants you to be happy. Did you get the haircut you asked for but it just looks appalling on you? Probably your fault, but the stylist should have advised against it (consultation, people. Before the scissors come out, discuss). Or is it not what you wanted at all? Ask (politely) for your money back, and start looking for someone new.

Finally, if it's been a while and you're looking to leave your current stylist, be honest. Say you're looking for a change. "Everybody needs a little time away" is always a good line. If you can't be honest, lie. Maybe you're moving to Anchorage, or your new job as a dog walker came with a huge pay cut. The entirely spineless but still acceptable alternative is just to stop going and pray you don't run into Mr. Scissors at the Super Stop 'N Shop.

Hair is perhaps the most personal element of style-more than just an extension of the self, it's part of the self. So take control Cut your hair!



Blogger oline said...

this has me 78% convinced that i should get bangs. but am still waffling.

incidentally, HUGE points from anyone (other than croftie) who can identify where that photograph is from. nay- HUGE points for anyone other than croftie who comments on this post!

Monday, October 23, 2006 4:58:00 AM  

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