Friday, July 21, 2006

The Friday Hoff

Folks, it doesn't get any better than this, trusty editor Oline's favorite Hoffian work. But it's a toughie. So, lest you have any difficulty comprehending the magnificence of such a dense piece, we're offering this one with a handy dandy viewing guide. To help you better enjoy your Friday Hoff.

The Friday Hoff Handy Dandy Viewing Guide:
1) Listen to the lyrics closely. What exactly is this song about?

2) Watch the orchestra. What drugs are they on?

3) Observe the set. What is the symbolic purpose of the boot?

4) Look at The Hoff. How many leather products is he wearing?

5) Keep looking at The Hoff. What was the load of compromising on the road to his horizon?


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