Monday, June 19, 2006

Nacho: The Morning After

The JBB film rating system:
= Kicks ass

= Decidedly does not kick ass

"Ninety-one minutes later, I found myself still sitting in the movie and hoping for another "extra-scene" tacked on the end like we saw in Napoleon Dynamite. Unfortunately, I had no such luck. Nacho Libre will be compared to Napoleon (same directors) and School of Rock (same writers), but it hopes to surpass such greats for one simple reason... Jack Black is shirtless for atleast 83 minutes in Nacho Libre, and he remains Jack Black for the entire ninety-one minutes. That being said, after leaving the movie I felt either shell-shocked or disappointed. Is a partially nude Jack Black enough to carry a movie? Maybe. I was looking for an extra-scene because I expected just a little more. Disappointed? Yes. Will I still quote the hell out of it? You betcha."
--Jordan (Memphis, TN)

"Jack Black's body is on exuberant display thoughout Nacho Libre. Unfortunately it is the film's lone joyous excess as nearly everything else, jokes included, lay in fetters. Surprisingly, all of this artistic restraint yields some real moving moments which might otherwise be obscured. The comedic elements of the story evolve slowly out of awkward pauses, ridiculous deliveries, and implausible juxtapositions, situations which are not easy to craft let alone pull off. All the while Black revels in his anti-movie star body, his belly large and taught, his buttocks perpetually clenched, his curly hair riotous, his moustache the perfect compliment to his manic frowns and smiles. As a result one cares very little for the surrounding characters, the preposterously attractive nun, the skinny sidekick, the Nacho-in-training young orphan who never stops believing. Perhaps over-conceived, Nacho Libre wrings every last drop out of Jack Black's body but only partially satisfies, all told it leaves you wanting more."
--Toe-sock (Chicago, IL)

"Oh Nacho, oh Nacho how you amaze me. Ever since Trampa Infernal I have loved a hero with the name Nacho, but you Jack Black have surpassed even the famed Nacho Castillo. I don't know whether it is your sometimes inverted man nipples, or your indefatigable optimism. Either or, you made me love you. Whether it was with braying laughter that I watched a corpulent lovestruck woman scamper through walls in search of her emaciated prey, or with your typical flair in which you sing a song of unrequited love for the woman of your dreams. Deep down I think it was the common semi-unique ethnicity that we share and your Inigo Montoya style accent. Either way I loved Nacho Libre."
--Clark Binga Binga (Starkville, MS)

"Nacho Libre is the shit. You the best."
--Austin (Marion, IL)

"A simple story set to simple music and about a simple desire- to wrestle- and the not so simple conflicted feelings of guilt and pride and excitement that such a desire produces. It's a simplicity that worked well in Napoleon Dynamite and works equally well, if not better, in Nacho Libre. The Jack Blackisms that are so often threaded throughout the entirety of the movies in which he appears are here, but they're held back until the most appropriate moment and then only slightly, briefly let loose. In lieu of Black's standard non-stop physical and verbal mania, the eyebrows speak volumes."
--Oline (Chicago, IL)

"The best thing I could say about this movie is that I once hated Anchorman and Napoleon Dynamite with equal passion, before both kinda grew on me as catch-phrase kings. But as of now, I have to say that Nacho Libre sucked."
--Paul (New York, NY)

"if there were oscars were given out for facial contortions that aren't annoying (ala jim carrey), jack black would surely be the favorite. while nacho libre isn't quite as quote worthy as napolean dynamite, it does have more energy simply because black is a better (but not more iconic) protagonist. both nacho and dynamite suffer from stretching out a few quirky ideas but at the end of the day, both will become pop culture references for years."
--Ripe Tomatos

"funny, but not necessarily "brilliant" and a little too long. the funny parts were truly funny and in the right context, maybe brilliant."

"Nacho is Tasty Good. Much like the charming, but over-rated Napoleon Dynamite, Nacho Libre shoots for a different nerve in your funny bone. I caught myself laughing pretty consistently, but never to notable gags. Unlike Anchorman or even Napoleon Dynamite, Nacho is not truly quotable. The lines are funny, more because Jack Black is the delivery man. He was classic, proving once again that his comic range is as broad as his devilish smile. The story is entertaining enough and the characters unique and engaging. It's worth every bit of a few hours and 7 bucks. Don't expect to fall out of your chair, but it's broad humor appeal means you won't leave confused or annoyed. RATING: 7.9 out of 10."
--Joe Mamma

"Nacho Libre is a fun and flatulent epic of athletic glory and personal growth. Jack Black prances through the film with the effortless merriment we have come to find irresistable. The plot is ridiculous and the characters are even more bizarre, but that's what makes Nacho Libre worth watching. It's a summer fluff film that revels in its silliness-from Nacho's improbable day job as a friar, to the mysterious, masked warriors he fights in the ring by night, to his climactic eagle leap of faith over a stunned Mexican audience. Nacho Libre is a stupid, boisterous film with a huge heart- which beats under an even huger spandex-swathed, strangely attractive body."
-Croftie (Chicago, IL)

"Jack Black soars in this weird, willy-nilly flick about a friar who just wants to wrestle"
-Margot Billingsworth (Boston, MA)

"I was distracted time and time again by the scary mustache that wriggled above his lip. Even so, the mustache was far less threatening than those eyebrows, which looked like they were about to take flight, using his nose as a launching pad. "
-Chippy Smith (Mystic, CT)

If you have seen Nacho Libre and would like to contribute your own review, please email 150 rocking, literate, publishable words or less to



Blogger oline said...

this stellar film rating system is just a shard of croftie's brilliance. the taco. so simple. so slightly pervy. so JB.

Saturday, June 24, 2006 2:48:00 AM  

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