Monday, May 07, 2007

Revolutionary Banding

We here at JBB love music (surprise, surprise!). And since we have a wee bit of clout among a certain crowd of post-collegiate, pre-professional twenty-somethings, we'd like to toss some musical tidbits our audience's way. Meet SECRET BROADCAST. They rock. And they were kind enough to sit down and answer Toe-Sock Doug's kick-ass So You Want Your Band To Be Reviewed By The Revolution questions.


A JBB Exclusive Sit-Down with SECRET BROADCAST.

1. If your band was a love-child, who would the parents be?
We wouldn’t necessarily use the term “love-child”. We prefer to describe our culmination as Metric’s Emily Haines giving U2’s The Edge a Cleveland Steamer.
2. You've recently been foisted into power behind a bloody coup d'etat. As the new dictator/general supreme/leader for life, what is your first command/doctrine/policy/five-year plan?
Our first order of business would be to make 1983 Deloreans the standard issue police vehicle.
3. How does your band get down? Please choose the answer you feel is most appropriate.
a) In order to get down you find it necessary to first 'Jump up."
b) you get down until the "break 'a break" of dawn.
c) like Kool & the Gang, you first locate, then "get down on it."
d) first you do a little dance, then you make a little love, further insuring that you will 'get down tonight.'
e) other (please write in your response)
e) Red Bull, Jagermesiter, and purple nurples.
4. Your band is a 10-year-old child, the opposite sex of your lead-singer/front-person. What is this little tyke's name? Note: Middle names garner bonus points.
Tutti Blair
5. Please describe your fighting style.
a) your fighting style is the best.
b) like Gandhi, only dirtier.
c) ever see legend of the drunken master?
d) flawless victory!
e) Teenage girl style. Lots of pinching, biting and pulling hair
6. Your band is reconstructed with found objects from a landfill. Name a few of these objects, and explain why you chose them.
One life-size cardboard cutout of Han Solo, one large bottle of Astroglide and Richard Simmons’ Sweatin to the Oldies Volume 2….because we gangsta like dat.

For more information about SECRET BROADCAST, to listen to their tunes or send them letters professing your undying love, go HERE.


Blogger Erin Molly said...

Ha ha Im loving the questionare!

Thursday, May 17, 2007 10:01:00 PM  
Blogger oline said...

the aforementioned questionnaire was the brainchild of our beloved contributor, the dread pirate toe-sock doug.

Monday, May 21, 2007 3:21:00 AM  

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