Monday, January 01, 2007

Suspiciendo, Despicio: As above, so below

JBB's Bombshell On What the New Year Will Bring

Your Bombshell has gathered the research and consulted the charts, and the verdict is in: the word for 2007? Auspicious. 2008: fruition. 2006: big happenings. All right, that’s two words. But it’s hard to express an entire year in one word.

In the Western tradition, a horoscope is cast by charting the positions of celestial bodies from the astrologer’s physical perspective during a specific moment in time. Traditional thought has held that the planets and their positions relative to the constellations of the horoscope strongly correlate to human affairs on a global and individual level. The scientific community rejects this theory as a whole but allows for a few possibilities.

Isaac Newton’s theory of universal gravitation posited that the gravitational effects of the planets within our solar system are of sufficient strength to effect human behavior. Modern scientific thought holds that the universe acts as a single unit and any happening within it will inevitably be felt throughout its entirety; ie. the ripple effect, or chaos theory.

Your sign is indicative of the sun’s position at the time of your birth. Jyotish astrology, a Hindu tradition and the most ancient form of astrology, casts an individual’s horoscope based on the position of the moon, arguing that the moon is a closer and more sympathetic body.

Western astrology uses the position of the moon too; in the West, it is called your “rising sign.” Your rising sign is different than your Zodiac sign. For example, I’m a Capricorn, but my rising sign is Scorpio. Capricorns are supposed to be serious, sober, and frugal people; Scorpios fiery, flaky, and hedonistic. I’m writing an article on astrology while eating chocolate. Some of that chocolate is in my hair. I tend to pay more attention to the Scorpio horoscope.

Many people, especially women, find that they identify more with their rising sign. You can find your rising sign in any simple astrology book. If you really are a helpless little thing, drop me a line and I’ll find yours for you. I will of course need your date and time of birth and don’t forget the magic word, “leopard print.” All right, that’s two words. But it’s hard to appease the bombshell with just one.

This new year is a very good year for the winter signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius. Last year, you summer people- Cancer, Leo, and Virgo- had a go as activity in the Cancer constellation was high. But we winter babies will benefit from proximity to Sagittarius, the constellation that will see the most activity this year.

The ruling planet in 2007 will be Jupiter, which is traditionally associated with hard work and good luck. Jupiter is also associated with publishing, financial gain, and commitment. So commit to getting that book published this year and you’ll make a bundle. Or find yourself a rich publisher and commit to him.

Jupiter is the “winner” planet, something we will all benefit from in the coming year. In addition to this good luck, we have very few retrogrades to wrench the gears. Last year saw dozens of retrogrades, periods in which a planet appears to be moving backwards due to the Earth’s passing on its orbit. Retrogrades are believed to bring bad luck, complication, and miscommunication. In 2006, Venus was in retrograde twice. This means a lot of couples fell in and out of love and probably back in love again.

Mercury was in retrograde four times. When Mercury is in retrograde, areas of finance, friendship, and future planning are compromised. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune all had periods of retrograde in 2006, culminating in the early fall until mid-November, when all five were retrograde at the same time. This was a highly unusual state of affairs. At least the first three quarters of last year were sloppy. Many plans went awry and many projects fell by the wayside.

We have very few retrogrades ahead in 2007. Mercury will retrograde in March, late June through early July, and October, so keep your head down during those times. Pluto will be in retrograde until September. Pluto is the planet of decision and duty, so you might find that you have a difficult time being tied down until then. But when Pluto goes direct again, it will travel through Capricorn, the sign of dedication, steadfastness, and tradition for nineteen full years.

Many astrologers predict a massive change in the world’s political stage during Pluto’s trip through Capricorn. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn, both the French and American revolutions occurred. The period between 2009 and 2011 seem to hold the most potential for such an upheaval. But before you get your combat boots on, remember that 2008 is anticipated to be the happiest year in decades. All signs point to the realization of many a dream then.

Last year was a character-building year in which ideas were challenged and the going was slow. The planets were against us. But take heart—whatever your endeavor may be, 2007 promises to generously reward those who keep their eyes on the prize. Love, your career, that burlesque class— anything you turn your attention towards in the coming year will benefit from your efforts. Ben Franklin once said, “Work hard, get lucky,” and that seems to be the motto of 2007.

Happy travels, babies. The planets will be with us!



Blogger oline said...

yay for the end of the period of trials and tribulations!

Monday, January 08, 2007 3:30:00 PM  
Blogger Pericles said...

Flowing through the stars and the night sky is the sight that meanders through her eyes.
Tis her's through which sailors stares to gauge how high the heavenly bodies lie.

Monday, January 08, 2007 11:05:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hmm. . . could o-bomb-a be the reason for a year of happiness in 'aught eight?

Tuesday, January 09, 2007 3:54:00 AM  
Blogger croftie said...

Thank goodness for the new year. While last year was most certainly "the best year ever," this year promises to be "the even better best year ever." I can't wait!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007 2:13:00 PM  

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